When I think of a knot, I think of a difficulty of some kind in life. They can be pretty large, or as small as a minor aversion to something, and I think that new things can fall into at least the latter sometimes. A completely new thing can be hard to start on, if only because the lack of knowledge about the task leaves it seeming large. It may not be that big, but the unknown has potential for almost anything, and so it may seem larger in one's head.
I think new technology things can be a bit of a knot for me. Well, new things in general, but especially new technology things. I'm not a technophobe, but I'm certainly not a technophile either, and making this blog and getting to this post took me a while. Doing it was straight forward enough, but getting from "I might do that today," to "I will do this today," took a bit. But now here we are.
I'd like to get more knowledge about these new technology things from this "23 Things" program. I really haven't kept up with all the new things because of busyness and just general lack of great interest, so having to do this program will be good.
In addition, I hope this program will help with undoing some of my technology knot, I guess. Getting more knowledge should help with my aversion to some of it, and I hope that that acquired knowledge will also make me less hesitant to try new technology things in the future.
Technology knots. They can be a nuisance. Much like a fisherman's backlash in his fishing line. But with each knot, there is something to be learned and you will be better for it. Don't let these knots prevent you from trying and learning all the apps in this technology event. Pretty soon you'll be able to untangle those knots in no time.